The Adult Tag

Adult Tag

Hi guys! I saw the Adult Tag over on Helpless While Drying quite some time ago and instantly knew I had to do this tag at some point. I’ve had the link to her post sitting in my drafts for awhile so tonight I thought it was finally time to take a crack at these questions! Rachael of Helpless While Drying was also recently on the My Lip Addiction Beauty Podcast! So, if you would like to check out her episode (and I do recommend it!) you can find all the links here!

1 – How old are you and where do you live?

I am 26 (but very close to 27) and I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario!

2 – Where did you expect to be by this age?

I think I’m pretty much where I hoped I would be… married, house, car, surrounded by pets and working a full-time day job! Career-wise I guess I’m not where I thought I would be but, life happens and you roll with it. I’m in a field I never really thought about at all when I was younger so it’s not really a bad thing.

3 – Are you on track to where you want to be now?

I think so! I feel like goals change and adapt over time so it is so hard to say “I’m on track”. But, I’m happy and I don’t feel like I am missing anything in my life.

4 – What piece of advice do you wish people told you when you were young?

Hmm… that’s a good question! I can’t think of any advice that I wish I got earlier…

5 – What advice would you give to younger people now?

Do what makes you happy and don’t live your life based on what other people want or expect.

6 – Do you still suffer from FOMO?

Not really. I had to look up what FOMO means so I feel super old. Anyways, I’m pretty happy being a hermit to be honest, haha… Not that I don’t enjoy seeing my friends though. I definitely try to make an effort to go out and see them, but I don’t feel like I need to be out every weekend. I’m comfortable staying in if that’s what I feel like doing!

7 – What is your opinion on living at home vs moving out in your 20’s?

I don’t really have an opinion on it, I feel like people should do what is right for them. If you’re financially able to move out in your 20’s, go for it! If moving out will financially cripple you, don’t. I moved out when I was 19 and it thankfully worked out pretty great!

8 – If you could change something in your adult life right now then what would it be?

Hmm… I like my job, but it feels like a job so I count down to weekends and holidays. I would love to be doing something that is more centred around my hobbies/interests that doesn’t feel as much work. But, I’m comfortable where I am so I’m not really itching to leave either.

9 – Have you had any sudden realisations about life/relationships/friendships since hitting your 20s?

The older I get the more I value my close friendships. You start to realize that life isn’t about having the most friends, it’s about having a handful of super amazing close friends. People drift away, that’s just life. You really do learn who your real friends are though!

10 – Do you feel like an adult?

Yes and no. When I’m working my 9 to 5 job, taking care of my pets and paying bills, I sure do feel like an adult! However, when I’m driving around the city with my husband playing Pokemon Go with my husband as we track where the good Pokemon are, I question how much of an adult I really am… haha! But I wouldn’t change a thing.

I’m not going to tag anyone specific to participate in this fun tag, but if you do it, please leave me your links because I would love to read your answers!!



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